We have 12 players. We've created accounts. We are having trouble entering a game. Can you give us step-by-step process to set up tables of 4?
We have 12 players. We've created accounts. We are having trouble entering a game. Can you give us step-by-step process to set up tables of 4?
Hi, HappyHelen6, you raised a good question. I hope the words below can help.
Each game can have 4 players. If you have 12 people, you can play at 3 different tables.
To clarify the term, the table is the page with the blue game canvas showing up. The game starts when there are 4 players sitting at the table by clicking the seat button.
To start a game, you can click the rule like hongkong or zungjung. A blue game canvas will show up after the click, and there will a menu column to the right of the canvas as well. you can check the users at the table In the user
tab in the menu column. Now there will only be one user, that is you.
There is a link button in the menu beside the game canvas. Click the link button, then the link to your game will be copied to your clipboard. Share the link to your friends. When your friend clicks the link, ze will come to your game table.
However, if ze is not login, ze will be redirected to the login page. If ze has no account yet, ze can find a link to the register page or choose to use guest account. Once ze has successful created an account, login status will be remembered by the browser. If everything is all right, ze will be redicted to the game
page. Or ze can click the invitation link again, ze shall come to your table
without being redirected this time.
Now your friend is at your table. ze can click the east, south, west or north seat to sit down at the table.
When there are four players sitted at the table, the game shall start.
I hope it helps. Comment below if there are still questions, and I would be happy to help. If you find any bugs, please let me know and I will fix it!
We had five people. The fifth person could watch the game and join in the same game after one of the players left. It was wonderful.